On Saturday last weekend Tim and I went for breakfast just to have some excellent hashbrowns. After breakfast we had formulated a plan to get the planting done for the pot garden in the front of my place. I don't have much green space, but I do have this 20' by 15' slab of concrete right out of my door. A blank slate, excellent. I have been working on plans to make this a pot garden and patio sitting area. There is a lot of afternoon sun and perfect shade for a little table and chair set. I found these pots and shelf on craigslist for a steal.
I have been haunting the local second hand stores in the area looking for just that; things to use for my outdoor space. So, on Saturday, as is custom for me, we went looking at a Goodwill I don't nor


ally get to for garden things. We did not find any garden things, but what we did find was most exciting. We found the matching couch to the love seat and chair set I got off of craigslist.
There it was just sitting among the other furniture looking just perfect.

I was elated. The luck of finding the missing piece to the set was almost too overwhelming. Speaking of overwhelming, looking at the size of the piece was giving me some second thoughts about getting it. Would it even fit in the living room? An inner debate was raging between wanting extra seating for guests and the worry of it consuming the living room like Godzilla.

I began my deliberation by checking the price, $99. That was excellent. I gave it a looking over for any damage that might have caused it to be given away. The sofa was without any visible marks. The whole thing looked good, but then I sat on it and discovered it was missing a support slat. Easily fixed and now I knew why it was here.
Tim went and paid for it, $70 on sale, as I disassembled it with one of the staff who kindly supplied me with an allen wrench. We packed it in the car (I love furniture that comes apart) and were off, dropped it off at my place, took some quick measurements for the missing slat, and went to get the gardening supplies for the day.

We then spent the rest of the sunny afternoon potting. Here's the start of the garden! I will post more pictures of it when its bushy and green. Planting was so much fun. I really love plants; there is something wholly satisfying about growing your own food.

Well the missing slat was easily fixed. I cut, sanded, painted, and fastened it together in about 30 minutes on Sunday. Here it is in the living room. I love it, but I am not sure I am going to keep the set-up like this.
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