I have been working on my apartment trying to furnish it with as little money as possible. Its a project and a passion; everyone needs a hobby. I found this cool chair and love seat on craigslist for cheap. They are a beachy style black and white. The chair has this cool black and white tropical feel patter to it. I am using the love seat in the living room and the chair in my reading corner. They both appeal to me, but the reading chair needed a foot rest and all the ones I have seen are $50 or more. Well that just won't do.

On Monday I was perusing Goodwill hoping to find a night stand to refinish when I saw the perfect foot stool! There it was on top of the ugliest coffee table I believe I have ever seen. It was $10 on sale for $5! I went right out and bought some black paint, white mung fabric and got to work.

The sanding took a few hours, but it looked great when I was done. I on the other hand looked like I had been rolling in saw dust. I then got to the painting to have it match the rest of the furniture. Pretty easy really. Its all black so it took very little time to spray on and then I just needed to wait till it was dry.

As it was drying I took the top and covered it with the white mung fabric I bought. I just flipped it over, hammered some upholstery tacks in to it and it was all white then. I put it back together, tightened everything down and it was as good as new! I put it right into my almost finished reading corner with the chair. What do you

think? Oh yah I know it looks like there is a flaw in the fabric, but its not. That's a wrinkle I need to steam out of the fabric so its nice and smooth. I think I will do that today.
It matches the place now and for about $10 I have the foot stool I was in need of. It looks like I am still on budget and ready to start refinishing that night stand I found! I'll keep you posted on that as it comes along.
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